A downloadable game for Windows

Your goal as a game show runner is to earn 1 Million dollars. Your job is to choose how hard the questions the players get asked.

You earn money by getting a high viewership rating, which is calculated by how far the player has gone through the questions without losing and by how challenging the questions are to him.

You lose money on several occasions:

1. Each time a new player has entered you lose $50,000 (running a game show is a costly business).

2. When you get a negative viewership rating.

3. When a player withdraws with the money at the appropriate stage.

4. When a player wins the 1 Million dollars question - that's when you're in real trouble!

IMPORTANT: Your Windows/AntiVirus may prevent you from downloading or running the game. I assure you it is safe to run the EXE. I compiled it with PyInstaller.


F: Enter full screen

Esc: Exit full screen

Good Luck!


Coding: Omer Salem, Oded Elisha and Idan Rufeisen

Graphics: Omer Salem

Music and Sound: James Evans (https://itch.io/profile/jamesmusic) - https://www.jamesmusic.co.uk/


Who Wants to Beat a Millionaire 77 MB


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Wow this game is so much fun